Halacha B'rura and Birur Halacha Instituteהכלה רוריבו הרורב הכלה ןוכמ |
![]() Siyum of masechet Kiddushin. Standing (left) Aviv Riech Director of the Institute. Standing far right Rav Aryeh Stern, head of the Institute. At front table facing the viewer: sitting left Rav Avraham Shapira; sitting right: Rav Yochanan Fried; in between, Rav Shaul Yisraeli ZT"l , former Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav, author of many books and founder of kollel Eretz Chemda. Sitting directly across from Aviv, first one, wearing a hat, is Rav Shlomo Ra'anan Hy",D, the grandson of the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Kook, who was murdered in Hebron in 1999. He worked on our index of the Rambam that we put out, for the last 15 years.
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